France Legal Protections

A decree was issued in July 2011 insuring better protection of all marine mammals occurring in the French territories. Under this decree, it is prohibited to harass, catch or kill, voluntarily disturb any individual of all cetacean species across the French territory and in waters under its jurisdiction. Under this decree, habitat destruction and degradation are also prohibited. In addition to this, the same decree also stipulates that transport and trade of any cetacean, dead or alive, or of products processed from cetaceans are similarly forbidden. 

France Cetacean Conservation

Many populations of whales around the world are threatened by collisions with vessels. In the PELAGOS Sanctuary, the scientific community and several ship-owners have joined forces to deal with these accidents. The REAL TIME PLOTTING OF CETACEANS (REPCET) system is a collaborative computer tool for use in commercial shipping. At present, several shipping companies operating in the sanctuary are using REPCET. Every sighting of large cetaceans by watch-keeping personnel on board a vessel equipped with REPCET is transmitted by satellite in semi-real-time to a server located on land.

France Whale watching

The PELAGOS/ACCOBAMS high quality whalewatching label for commercial whale-watching activities was first delivered to French WW operators in July 2014.
PELAGOS SANCTUARY PARTNERSHIP CHARTER. The concept of a partnership charter with towns and cities bordering the Sanctuary was launched in

France Protected Areas

An active site-oriented conservation strategy has been developed since April 2006, of the law relative to the establishment of Marine Natural Parks and the creation of the Agency for Marine Protected Areas whose aims are: to support public policies in the field of marine protected areas, regarding both their creation and their management, to manage the human and financial resources dedicated to Marine Natural Parks, to give technical and administrative support to managers of marine protected areas.

Gabon Research Projects

Cetacean surveys in Gabon have been conducted from five different field sites: Pongara (2012), Port Gentil (2000, 2012, 2014), Iguéla (2001-2005), Gamba (2000 and 2002) and Mayumba (2005-2011). Surveys have also been conducted in partnership with other agencies (including a cooperative COMHAFAT survey in 2011 and the EAF-Nansen project in 2014).

Gabon Marine Conservation

Gabon Bleu is a presidential marine conservation initiative to manage Gabon's coastal and oceanic waters and create a marine protected area network. Gabon Bleu also aims to improve industrial and artisanal fisheries, offshore oil and gas, and maritime security. Gabon Bleu works with local and international NGOs like WCS and WWF. Examples of the intiative's achievements include:
1. New Fisheries and Aquaculture Agency (ANPA)
2. An Ocean Council (CNM)
3. New legislation to create fishing zones and better apply fisheries law.

Gabon Whale watching

There are currently no legally enforced whale watching guidelines in Gabon. Gabon plans to expand and diversify ecotourism as part of its long-term development goals. WCS collaborated with Gabon's National Parks Agency (ANPN) and the General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture (DGPA) to create whale watching guidelines for operators as well as a guide for tourists interested in going on Gabonese whale watching trips.