The PELAGOS/ACCOBAMS high quality whalewatching label for commercial whale-watching activities was first delivered to French WW operators in July 2014.
PELAGOS SANCTUARY PARTNERSHIP CHARTER. The concept of a partnership charter with towns and cities bordering the Sanctuary was launched in
2007 and became operational in 2009. By signing the charter, municipalities are committed to help sustain the protection of marine mammals and in recognition of their commitment they are authorised to fly the Sanctuary flag. To date, 82 municipalities in France, Italy and Monaco have signed the Charter.
In the line of a recommendation adopted during MoP 2009 of the Pelagos Agreement, an application for the designation of Pelagos as a PARTICULARLY SENSITIVE SEA AREA (PSSA) under the provision of IMO (International Maritime Organisation) has to be elaborated. The draft measures to limit ship strikes should be included in the proposal. Work is still ongoing.
The PELAGOS/ACCOBAMS cooperative agreement works to ensure quality and minimise negative impacts of whale watching activities to cetaceans.