CO2248 Workplan action 2022 by Consensus


The Chair of the Commission, Andrej Bibic (Slovenia) completed his term of office at the end of the meeting. Andrej was thanked for his unprecedented four year term and also for hosting six meetings of the IWC and SC. -The Vice-chair, Amadou Diallo (Guinea) was elected Chair. - Nick Gales (Australia) was elected Vice-chair.


CO2246 Recommendation 2022 by Agreed by vote


The budget for 2023-24, Option 1.5 as presented in the document BSC/68/5.3/01/Rev2 was adopted including the operative decisions presented in this document and summarised below. It was adopted by vote: 48 for, 1 against, 0 abstentions. - The agreed budget increases fees only for Capacity to Pay countries 3 & 4 by 5% in 2023, 1% in 2024 and reduces expenditure by 6%. The budget includes: ? A moderate change to the terms of Secretariat staff contracts to lower compensation. ? A moderate change to the research budget and move to biennial SC meetings from 2025 onwards. ? Virtual bureau meetings except at Commission meetings. ? Virtual pre-meetings for Commission meetings. ? Reduction of Commission meetings by 1 day. ? Bad debt provision reduction. NOTE: fee distribution and the level of contributions will need to be revisited at IWC69.

Agreed by Vote

CO2243 Workplan action 2022 by Consensus


The Commission agreed to ? Further consideration of the proposal to make payment plans more accessible: voting rights could be restored regardless of the length of time in arrears, provided the Contracting Government enters into and adheres to a re-payment plan, including an upfront good-faith payment.
