Conservation Management plans

Conservation Management Plans (CMPs) are an important initiative of the IWC.  They provide a framework for countries within the range of vulnerable cetacean populations (known as range states) to work together, and in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders, to protect and rebuild those populations. 

Cetaceans face an array of threats including fishing bycatch, entanglement, ship strikes, habitat loss, pollution, climate change and acoustic disturbance.  CMPs are flexible management tools that help range states address these threats.  They draw on the best available science and management expertise from the international community and can be tailored to meet individual circumstances.    

The process for each CMP involves several interrelated stages: nomination; development; implementation; monitoring; and review.  A map outlining the stages of the CMP process can be found here.  A Commission-approved CMP template is also available here. CMPs have been developed for five vulnerable cetacean populations and can details and updates can be found here 

Panama Background

Panama is one of the countries developing the Central American Humpback Whale Conservation Management Plan. The main objective of the Central American humpback whale CMP isto conserve the CAHW population and its habitat through collaborative regional actions to reduce anthropogenic threats. The CMP aims to provide the range states with scientific evidence and management tools to implement actions for conserving the Central America-Mexico-USA population.

Gabon Marine Conservation

Gabon Bleu is a presidential marine conservation initiative to manage Gabon's coastal and oceanic waters and create a marine protected area network. Gabon Bleu also aims to improve industrial and artisanal fisheries, offshore oil and gas, and maritime security. Gabon Bleu works with local and international NGOs like WCS and WWF. Examples of the intiative's achievements include:
1. New Fisheries and Aquaculture Agency (ANPA)
2. An Ocean Council (CNM)
3. New legislation to create fishing zones and better apply fisheries law.

UK Conservation Research

2.1 UK surveillance and monitoring programme

The Sea Mammal Research Unit has used spatial modelling to estimate abundance and explore species-habitat relationships of cetaceans in European Atlantic waters. The analysis combined data from SCANS-II (surveyed in 2005), CODA (surveyed in 2007) and the Faroes block of TNASS (surveyed in 2007).

NZ Agreements

New Zealand is party to a number of multilateral agreements related to cetaceans (in addition to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling) including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).

Brazil agreements

The Brazilian Government is party to multilateral agreements related to cetaceans, besides the IWC, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The Government of Brazil participates as Observer in the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and has signed a Letter of Intentions to this agreement. Potential benefits of such agreements include conservation efforts to protect southern right whales and franciscana dolphin.