Resolution 1999-4

Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution on Health Effects from the Consumption of Cetaceans

NOTING that while the consumption of cetacean products may have positive health effects, scientific evidence
demonstrates that some communities may be faced with health problems arising from the high levels of organic
contaminants and heavy metals present in those products in their diet;

RECALLING that IWC Resolution 1998-11 expressed the Commission’s concern about human health effects
from the consumption of cetaceans, invited Contracting Governments to submit information to the IWC and
asked the Secretariat to correspond with the WHO and other appropriate authorities;

NOTING that regulatory limits for contaminants in food are set by competent national and international

NOTING that the Scientific Committee is the appropriate body to review and provide to the competent
authorities information relevant to the health of cetaceans relating to chemical contaminant burdens;

CALLS ON relevant countries to take measures to reduce pollution that may cause negative health effects from
the consumption of cetacean products;

AGREES to keep under review, under the permanent Agenda Item on Environmental Concerns, all effects on
Human Health from the consumption of cetacean products;

REQUESTS the Scientific Committee to receive, review and collate data on contaminant burdens in cetaceans
and forward these as appropriate to the WHO and competent national authorities, and to report on this matter to
the Commission;

ENCOURAGES Contracting Governments, other countries and relevant organisations to continue to forward
relevant data concerning contaminants in cetaceans to the Scientific Committee;

INSTRUCTS the IWC Secretariat to send this Resolution to the WHO Secretariat.
