NOTING that since IWC 50 in May 1998, the Government of Japan has issued new Special Permits under the
provisions of Article VIII of the Convention for scientific research in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and
the North Pacific Ocean;
NOTING also that information provided to the Whale Killing Workshop in May 1999 indicates that only 30% of
whales are killed instantaneously in the JARPA and JARPN programmes;
FURTHER NOTING that the review of ethical considerations with respect to scientific research, prepared by the
Secretary of the IWC in 1999, concludes that “the broad sense of the legislation, guidelines and codes of
conduct which exist emphasise causing the minimum of stress and distress, suffering and pain, and at the same
time considering if the research results can be achieved using fewer animals or by other (non-lethal) means.”
RECALLING that grave concerns have been expressed by eminent members of the international scientific
community and many others over the continuation of lethal whale research programmes, especially in areas
designated as Sanctuaries in paragraph 7 of the Schedule;
REQUESTS that the Government of Japan refrain from issuing any permits in the 1999/2000 seasons for the
take of minke whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and the North Pacific Ocean
Resolution 1999-3
Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution on whaling under Special Permit
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