Resolution 2001-2
Resolution on Whale Killing Methods
RECOGNISING that the Working Group on Whale Killing Methods and Associated Welfare Issues
(WGWKM&AWI) is established to review information and documentation available with a view to advise the
Commission on whale killing methods and associated welfare issues;
NOTING that IWC/53/WKM&AWI9 as distributed by the Secretariat calls for a Summary of Activities related to the
Action Plan on Whale Killing Methods (based on resolution 1999-1), and the UK Paper on Collection of Whale
Killing Data (IWC/53/WKM&AWI5) submitted to WGWKM&AWI53;
RECALLING IWC resolution 1997-1 which urged aboriginal subsistence whalers to do everything possible to
reduce still further any avoidable suffering caused to whales in such hunts;
NOTING the proposal that Contracting Governments should supply data on animal welfare issues to the IWC;
DISAPPOINTED at the lack of information presented to the WGWKM&AWI on the recent kills of sperm and
Bryde’s whales.
RECOGNISING that seasonal and weather variations can adversely impact times to death;
NOTING the inclusion of the recommendation for the development of better criteria for determining the onset of
permanent insensibility in whales, using physiological and behavioural observations, correlated as far as possible
with post mortem examinations, under the revised action plan on whale killing methods IWC51Ann rep. Appendix 1;
NOTING also that previous Workshops have considered relevant comparative data from killing of other large
AGREES to convene in 2003 a Workshop on Whale Killing Methods;
ENCOURAGES all Contracting Governments to report to the Commission any technical developments within whale
killing technologies and to submit, to the extent possible, relevant information, including variance data on times to
death, to the meetings of the Working Group on Whale Killing Methods and Associated Welfare Issues, and future
Workshops on Whale Killing Methods;
ALSO ENCOURAGES all Contracting Governments to provide relevant comparative data from killing of other large
ENCOURAGES all Contracting Governments to provide appropriate technical assistance to reduce time to
unconsciousness and death in all whaling operations
Resolution 2001-2
Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution on Whale Killing Methods
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