Resolution on Use of Simultaneous Interpretation at Annual Meetings
of the International Whaling Commission
RECOGNISING that the composition of the IWC is becoming more diverse in character as more nations for
whom English is not their primary language adhere to the Convention, and that this has led to a multiplicity of
languages placing on the organisation a greater need to accommodate the requirements of all of its members,
including nations for whom English is a second language;
AWARE that the Commissioners, at IWC54 in Shimonoseki, recognised that English remains the official
language of the Commission, and that the use of simultaneous interpretation should be explored to improve
communication at annual meetings;
NOTING that the current system used by several Commissioners is currently one of consecutive interpretation;
CONSIDERING that document IWC/55/F&A 2, provided by the Secretariat, discusses implications for the
provision of technical facilities only, leaving the cost of the more expensive task of engaging and paying for
interpreters to be the responsibility of the delegations requiring them;
AWARE that the cost of providing technical facilities required would be significant;
NOTING that during F&A Committee meetings at IWC55, various contracting parties expressed, with emphasis,
the need for simultaneous interpretation, including the associated technical facilities and interpreter services;
CONSCIOUS of subsequent bilateral consultations between individual Contracting Governments underscoring
their desire for document translation;
MINDFUL that the complete participation of members for whom English is a second language is possible only
through full understanding of the many issues communicated at annual meetings, such understanding being
possible only through a mechanism of interpretation; and
RECALLING that some member countries proposed that a Working Group be established to further explore the
administrative, budgetary and operational implications for the provision of technical components for
simultaneous interpretation.
To establish a Working Group aiming at exploring the various implications for the provision of technical
components for simultaneous interpretation;
That the Working Group shall consider and make recommendations on how provision of technical components
for simultaneous interpretation may provided at the IWC to accommodate the needs of contracting parties for
whom English is a second language;
That this Working Group will be guided by the following Terms of Reference:
a) To review and consider the costs as set out in document IWC/55/F&A 2 and to identify ways in which
these costs could be apportioned or reduced;
b) To recommend options and scope for the provision of technical components for simultaneous
c) To determine the operations and costs of other international organizations providing such components;
d) To consult with member states on these issues.
That the Working Group, while open to any IWC contracting party, shall ideally remain small, conduct its work
by email correspondence in order to limit expenditures, and submit its recommendations to the F&A Committee
prior to the 56th Annual Meeting.
Resolution 2003-4
Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution on Use of Simultaneous Interpretation at Annual Meetings of the International Whaling Commission
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