Resolution 2014-4

Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution 2014-4
  • Directs the Scientific Committee to continue to improve its work towards conservation-related matters including an increasing allocation of funding for conservation oriented research, such as investigation on conservation or mitigation measures, while taking into consideration other core activities as provided for by the Convention.
  • Agrees to establish a working group between the Conservation Committee and the Scientific Committee in order to propose a procedure to facilitate the implementation and follow-up of conservation recommendations.
  • Directs the Working Group on Operational Effectiveness and Cost Saving Measures to provide for closer engagement of the Commission in the setting of the Scientific Committee's work plans by formulating advice to the Scientific Committee on; i) research priorities and any specific advice the Commission may require at its next meeting; ii) the Scientific Committee's two-year detailed work plans particularly where it will assist the Scientific Committee in scheduling activities and reporting over its two following annual meetings.
  • Requests the Scientific Committee, including its sub-Committees and working groups, to improve reporting efficiency by providing consolidated reports covering the two-year intersessional period wherever possible.
  • Instructs the Secretariat to annually prepare a compilation of concerns and recommendations expressed by the Scientific Committee related to conservation aspects and to forward it to contracting and non-contracting governments, intergovernmental organisations and other entities as appropriate, at the same time drawing their attention to any particular advice contained therein and offering more detailed advice if that should be sought.
  • Adopts the amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Commission contained in the Annex II to this Resolution.
  • Forwards to the Scientific Committee the proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Committee in Annex III for their consideration, with a view to adopting amended rules at the Commission's next meeting after considering advice from the Scientific Committee.
  • Consolidates the mandate of the Small Cetacean Standing Sub-Committee by adopting the following terms of reference: Review the distribution and stock structure of small cetaceans, Review information on the status of the stocks of small cetaceans and provide an assessment of the threats to the stocks concerned, Advice on ways in which those threats can be eliminated or mitigated, Review developments to topics and recommendations that were subject of previous reports, Coordinate with other Scientific Committee sub-committees and working groups, where appropriate, to further address topics related to environmental concerns, whale watching, RMP, AWMP, human induced mortality, among others.