Resolution 2016-1

Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the International Whaling Commission

Noting that 2016 is the 70ᵗʰ anniversary of agreement to the International Convention for the
Regulation of

Recognising that there are different views concerning the priority of the Commission's objectives
and mandates among Commission member states due to the different positions on whales and whaling;

Notwithstanding the difference in positions, aware of the importance of ensuring the Commission's
institutional and governance arrangements are aligned with best practice for contemporary
multilateral treaty bodies;

Acknowledging the progress the Commission has made in this respect, including through inter a/ia,
strengthening the Finance and Administration Committee, moving to a biennial meeting pattern,
establishing a Bureau to facilitate the work of the Commission during the intersessional period,
enhancing the role of civil society in the Commission and creating an Operational Effectiveness
Working Group;

Recognising that the Commission's continued effectiveness is contingent upon further reform;

Noting that a more comprehensive review of the Commission's institutional and governance
arrangements will enable the efficient prioritisation of opportunities for reform;

Further noting that independent reviews are best practice in multilateral treaty bodies, and have
been used to strengthen institutional and governance arrangements in a number of organisations.

Now, therefore the Commission:

Agrees to a comprehensive, independent review of the Commission's institutional and governance
arrangements, based on Terms of Reference contained in the annex to this Resolution;

Calls upon Contracting Governments to make voluntary contributions to support this review;

Agrees to establish, during the 66th meeting of the Commission, a Steering Group of Contracting
Governments representing a range of views and interests to select a panel to conduct the review in
the intersessional period;

Agrees that the review will be conducted by a panel of three independent reviewers selected by the
Steering Group, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair ofthe Commission, following a limited
tender application processl;

Agrees that the review panel submit a report to the Executive Secretary, in accordance with the
Terms of Reference contained in the annex to this Resolution, for discussion at the 67th meeting of
the Commission;

Agrees that the Secretariat circulates the report to Contracting Governments and Accredited
Observers, and to the Working Group on Operational Effectiveness; and

Requests that the Working Group on Operational Effectiveness consider the report and submit a
proposal to guide the Commission in responding to the recommendations of the review at least 60
days in advance of the 67th meeting of the Commission.


¹ Limited tender means seeking applications from a small number of suitably qualified people or
organisations as opposed to a process open to any applicants.
