Legal developments

Gabon Legal Protections

Gabonese wildlife is divided into three categories: fully protected (Appendix I), partially protected (II), and unprotected (III). The humpback whale is currently the only cetacean species on Appendix I. However, a revision of these appendices was drafted in 2015. If agreed - the revised Appendix I would include all great whales (Balaenidae, Balaenopteridae, Neobalaenidae, Physeteridae) as well as all beaked whales (Ziphiidae) that might occur and the Atlantic humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii) greatly threatened across its range.

UK Laws and Regulations

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) uses an intelligence led risk based enforcement model to direct enforcement activities and resources. Any intelligence received by the MMO in relation to offences against cetaceans or anthropogenic impacts in MPAs designated for them is considered and appropriate enforcement action taken. As part of the Marine Licensing process for offshore construction, the MMO require and monitor the implementation of Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocols (MMMPs) to mitigate against harm and disturbance to cetaceans, including for piling work on wind farms.

NZ Legal protection

The core legal framework in New Zealand for the protection of cetaceans includes the following:
• The Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978 (this provides for the full protection of cetaceans in New Zealand as well as the compulsory reporting of any capture of marine mammals).
• The Marine Mammals Protection Regulations 1992 (this prescribes the behaviour of persons, vessels, aircraft and vehicles in the vicinity of marine mammals).

Brazil Protected Areas

The government of Brazil established two large Federal Marine Protected Areas in 2018, including the two most remote islands of the national territory - the São Pedro and São Paulo archipelagos - and also the chain of submarine mountains that connects the Brazilian continental shelf to the Trindade and Martin Vaz Archipelago.

Brazil Whale Watching

Act No. 444/2014 of the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil determines the "Official National List of Endangered Fauna," including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and terrestrial invertebrates, and indicates the degree of extinction risk of each species.  This offers certain protections to the species with endangered or threatened status.