
Whale Watching handbook

Whale Watching handbook Designed to support managers, regulators, operators and everyone interested in whale watching

IWC database portal

IWC Portal This is the IWC Database Portal. Here you can submit a ship Strike (whale collision with a vessel), view, add, or download National Progress Reports submitted to the SC, and submit a research request.


IWC Journal The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management is an open access and peer reviewed journal which publishes original research on the conservation and management of whales, dolphins and porpoises.

Database of recommendations

DOR IWC DOR, Database Of Recommendations


IWC Archive IWC web archive!

Conservation database

Conservation database At IWC67 in October 2018 the Commission endorsed a proposal from New Zealand to revise the existing template for voluntary conservation reports (VCRs) and develop an integrated database. The detailed proposal, which includes the rationale for changing the reporting template, is in IWC/67/CC/10 (also as CC/68A/INFO/05).